Upward Soccer

Upward Soccer


Please come and join our Upward Soccer program. The cost for the spring season is only $50.00 per player. Each additional sibling is $10 off if registered at the same time. Practices start on 9/9. The first game is on 9/21. The last games are on 10/26.


Upward soccer is back at Glenville Church. It will include boys and girls ages 4-11. It takes a lot of adults to help make the games successful for our kids. We are in need of volunteers to coach the teams and referees to call the games. Be a part of our adult team of coaches and referees who will be investing in the lives of our children. If you are interested in being a coach or a referee, please sign up with the link below. If you have any questions please send us an email at [email protected].